IJMHR Privacy Policy measures are committed to safeguard personal information of our clients and website users. This paper will explain how personal information is gathered, processed, stored, and safeguarded.

Data Collection & utilisation

Online paper/article submission forms are used to capture basic author information such as name, affiliation, contact number, email address, IP address, and so on. This allows you to submit paper, seek information, and get help. This data is collected and kept on our website. You are not anonymous to us once you apply for publishing and sign in to our services. IJMHR uses information to tailor the content you view or receive notifications about. We utilize it to fulfill your product and service requests. It is used by us to enhance our services, contact you, perform research, and give anonymized reports to internal and external clients. Other applications include saving and presenting the names of reviewers of articles submitted to journals.

How Your data is utilised

Except to deliver products or services you've requested, IJMHR does not rent, sell, or disclose personal information about you with other persons or non-affiliated corporations.

Security Procedures

We restrict access to personal information about you to personnel who we feel have a reasonable need to come into touch with such information in order to offer you with products or services or to do their duties. Information transmission through the Internet, email, or text message is not totally secure. We will always do our best to secure your personal information; nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the total security of information submitted over the services or by email; any transfer is at your own risk. Once we get your information, we will always take suitable technological and organizational means to protect it from loss, theft, and unauthorized use, access, or alteration.

SSL certificate is used to encrypt the information you submit on our site to ensure its security during transit to and from our site. By encrypting and pseudonymizing vital data, we ensure the security of stored information. Tokenization and high security procedures are used to protect credit card information and payments.

Your agreement to these terms

By using this Site, you agree to the terms of this policy. Please do not use our Site if you do not agree with this policy. Your continued use of the Site after changes to this policy are posted will be deemed your acceptance of those changes.

Contacting us

If you have any questions or suggestions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this Site, or your dealings with this Site, please contact us at: editor@ijmhr.com